To begin…
1. Who is Tralalere?
Created in 2000 by pioneers in cultural and educational media, as well as experts in youth communication, Tralalere produces educational digital content for children and their educational mediators. They create a plethora of online and offline materials, including: cartoons, serious games, web documentaries, interactive activities, games, websites, devices, museum installations, etc.
We also design and implement comprehensive awareness campaigns for children, parents, educators and public broadcasting organizations.
Notably, Tralalere concieved and directed the national program raising awarness to risks on the Internet: www.internetsanscrainte.fr
To learn more about our work, visit: www.tralalere.com
2. What is the Code-Decode program ?
Code-Decode is a suite of applications and ressources allowing children to discover programming and digital culture.
The child can create digital productions such as video games, pixel art/animation, and interactive stories.
3. Who is behind the Code-Decode program?
Code-Decode is an initiative to introduce, educate, and train children in coding and the culture of coding. The program is involved with the efforts of several educational and digital groups (BSF, INRIA, ENSCI Workshops, Toxicode, Le Pre St. Gervais), supported by funding from Program for Future Investments.
Code-Decode is co-financed by the European Union.
4. Who can use Code-Decode?
The Code-Decode program is intended for teachers of grades 3-6, educational leaders, and extra-curricular leaders working in various settings (media-library, social center, vacation center, etc.), as well as for families.
There are many ways to use the Code-Decode program!
5. How old must you be to use the Code-Decode programs?
You can begin using the Code-Decode programs at 7 years old, or once a child can read.
6. What is the purpose of a Code-Decode workshop?
A workshop stages a clear introduction to the material. In general, we offer several sessions so the children' introduction is well-rounded. In these valuable moments, a leader guides the child while explaining the instructions and encouraging them to experiment with different concepts.
7. How do I lead a workshop?
Our teaching resources are accesible in the "Resource" section on the Teacher's Space (while connected to a subscribing teacher account with Code-Decode). These resources offer teaching plans and offer guidance on leading the activities proposed in the Code-Decode programs.
Programming/code questions
1. What is an algorithm?
An algorithm is a set of rules, the application of which can solve problems through a finite set of operations.
An algorithm is a group of actions that allow us to do something. In computer science, the algorithm dictates how a program works.
Apply subtraction to reduce a player's life when he is hit - this is an algorithm.
2. What is a loop?
A loop is a code that repeats one or more tasks until the condition in the loop is satisfied.
if the character's life level is greater than 0 the character advances
while (character.life > 0)
3. What is a condition?
A condition is a test that makes a decision based on its results.
To compare, we can use the different signs <, >, <=, >=, == (is equal to) and != (is different).
If the distance between me and a player is less than 5 I shoot
if (distanceBetween(player, character) < 5)
4. What is a variable?
A variable represents an element which varies throughout the execution of a program, like the player's life points or the score.
In programming this is a key word with a value.
If I have 3 lives, in my program the variable representing life is written like this:
var life = 3 or if written in GameCode, like this: player.life = 3
The sign '=' assigns a variable and gives it a value so the sign == compares the equality between two values. The same key word represents a value.
If I want to reduce the life of a player by 1 point:
player.life = player.life - 1
That said, I assign my player's lif variable the (current) value of the player's life minus one.
Resource questions: the platform
1. Can I access the Code-Decode resources offline?
Unfortunately not. Using the Code-Decode resources (applications, lessons, teaching guides, videos, etc.) requires an internet connection. The resources are hosted on the website code-decode.net .
2. My adblocker (publicity blocker) won't let me acces code-decode. What should I do?
You will receive a message inviting you to add code-decode.net to your list of accepted sites (white list) and disable your blocker on this site. In your blocker settings it is possible to register certain sites as trusted. If you have the option to disactivate your blocker temporarily, this works too.
3. How do I return to a lesson when we have finished all the creation steps?
Simply close the tab in which the creation has launched.
4. How do I delete my activity carried out in My Home?
On the bottom-right of each vignette corresponding to a creation you will find a small trashcan. Click this icon to delete the selected creation.
5. How can I add a student who already has an account to a class account?
This is not yet possible. For now, only the user's name and password can add a student to a class. More information is required to sign up as an individual user.
6. How can I disactivate an account?
If you wish to disactivate your Code-Decode account, we'll be sad to see you go, but the process is simple! Simply fill out the contact formula and list your reason for leaving.
Resource questions: the lessons
1. How do I use the Code-Decode lessons?
The lessons presently on the platform are experiences to utilise in a class/group led by a teacher/leader.
2. What do formal school programs require?
a. Elementary School - Mathematics
The students will learn to use computer software and begin programming.
b. Middle School - Technology and Mathematics
Official program
Computer education is provided in mathematics and technology. The children will not be expected to become experts; the goal is rather to give them the keys to decode a digital world that is constantly evolving. It allows students develop algorithmic thinking and an understanding of the representation of information and its treatment, problem resolution, and controling results.
3. How does Code-Decode meet the challenges of formal school programs?
Code-Decode enables you to easily manipulate basic concepts in programming: loops, variables, events, and conditions. It is also possible to introduce the notions of coordinates and locating objects on a spatial plane.
Programming can be done in many ways, be it with blocks or using script. Code-Decode helps the user get familiar with these new languages through different methods, making the child the decision maker and an active creator.
Creating with the applications means discovering algorithms in a visually stimulating and playful way.
Work as an individual or as a group - both styles are possible and engaging.
The lessons we offer reenforce good habits and prepare children to participate in digital culture and the digital world that surrounds us (opendata, video games, pixel art, social advertising, search engines, etc.).
4. What other aspects of the common core are addressed?
Which learning goals?
1 - Team work
2 - Sharing
3 - Digital creation
Resource questions : GameCode
1. How can I find my GameCode creation again?
After a complete overhaul, our Code-Decode site is better than ever and easier for you to use.
Notice: the new and improved Code-Decode no longer has your old creations.
Nevertheless, you can still finish your activities - we have saved your creations on a secondary platform, which is accessible until July 1, 2017 at this address .